Making Insight Generation Important to MSLs

Making Insight Generation Important to MSLs

While most teams acknowledge that insight generation is important, most MSL team leaders do not apply adequate resources and time to the activity.  If you consider your system investments, the time you spend providing training, how much coaching is provided by...
The Right Message for MSL Performance

The Right Message for MSL Performance

Over the last year, I have had several leaders tell me their stories of frustration when their teams do not follow the direction that appears to be straightforward and the benefits to them are common sense. Wait until you see the video below that makes the point. As...
One Question Medical Leaders Should Ask IT

One Question Medical Leaders Should Ask IT

As a business leader, you will eventually be responsible for selecting a vendor to help with the implementation of a system critical to your business.  The vendor may be an external software provider, a consulting company, or a team from your internal IT department....
3 Ways to Increase MSL Success in Projects

3 Ways to Increase MSL Success in Projects

Having MSLs involved in your home office projects can be extremely beneficial to everyone involved.  As a project owner, you benefit by ensuring that you have the field’s perspective on how something should work, gaining KOL perspective from those who interact most...